Nomination deadlines for three ACerS division awards have been extended to June.  Award eligibility for each can be found at ACerS Awards Page.

Glass & Optical Materials:  Alfred R. Cooper Scholars Award

This award recognizes undergraduate students who have demonstrated excellence in research, engineering, and/or study in glass science or technology. The recipient will receive a plaque, a check for $500 and a free MS&T registration. New deadline: June 7, 2021

Electronics: Edward C. Henry Award

The Edward C. Henry Award is given annually to an outstanding paper reporting original work in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society or the Bulletin during the previous calendar year on a subject related to electronic ceramics. New deadline: June 15, 2021

ElectronicsLewis C. Hoffman Scholarship

The purpose of this $2,000 tuition award is to encourage academic interest and excellence among undergraduate students in the area of ceramics/materials science and engineering. New deadline: June 15, 2021

Additional information and nomination forms for these awards can be found at  Contact Erica Zimmerman at if you have questions.
