ACerS 11 Divisions Volunteer Opportunities

ACerS membership divisions represent principal disciplines of traditional and advanced ceramics and glass, providing members with targeted professional communities, technical meetings, and resources. Discover valuable information and welcoming communities among those who share similar technical interests and challenges.

Art, Archaeology & Conservation Science

ACerS AACS Division Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Glenn Gates

Basic Science

ACerS BSD Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Kristen Brosnan


ACerS Bioceramics Division Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Julian Jones


ACerS Cements Division Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities
  • poster judges

Shiho Kawashima


ACerS EDiv Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities
  • poster judges

Alp Sehirlioglu

Energy Materials and Systems

ACerS Energy Materials and Systems Division Volunteer Opportunities:

  • symposium organizers
  • workshop organizers
  • session chairs
  • poster judges
  • award committees
  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Armin Feldhoff

Engineering Ceramics

ACerS ECD Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Valerie Wiesner

Glass & Optical Materials

ACerS GOMD Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Career round table: we need professionals in the field of glass science and technology to join the career round table for graduate and under graduate students.
  • Student poster competition: we need judges for the student poster competition in our annual meetings.

Jessica Rimsza

Delia Brauer


ACerS Manufacturing Division Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Steve Jung

Refractory Ceramics

ACerS RCD Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Steven Ashlock

Structural Clay Products

ACerS SCPD Volunteer Opportunities:

  • moderator for online communities
  • super user for online communities

Mike Walker

Connect with a Division

Division meetings held throughout the year showcase cutting-edge research and product developments and are recognized worldwide. These conferences provide a forum for scientists, researchers, engineers, and industry leaders from around the world to present and exchange findings on recent advances in ceramic science and technology. Get the inside track to breakthrough technical research by being a member and by attending one of ACerS dynamic division-sponsored meetings.

Three division affiliations are included in ACerS membership. Explore our 11 divisions, determine which groups you identify with, and join today!