The YPN subcommittees below have been developed in order to manage and organize activities and events on behalf of the young professionals involved in ACerS.

YPN+1 subcommittee

The YPN+1 subcommittee helps to oversee the newly created YPN+1 Program. This program provides an opportunity for ACerS YPN members to become involved in ACerS Divisions and conferences.


YPN Connect subcommittee

The YPN Connect subcommittee organizes the monthly YPN Connect virtual networking events that are offered to both ACerS members and non-members. Subcommittee members may host and/or line up hosts for future YPN Connect events.

These events are intended to connect young professionals (and students!) with others involved in ceramics and glass.

YPN Connect = website

YPN Webinars subcommittee

The YPN Webinars subcommittee organizes and moderates certain ACerS webinars on topics that would be useful to young professionals, students, and beyond! The subcommittee's main focus at this time is on professional and personal development topics.


YPN Programming subcommittee

The YPN Programming subcommittee works towards creating and maintaining YPN events offered at ACerS conferences. Events that have been offered in the past include the Lunch with a Pro events as well as various networking receptions.

Lunch with a professional Student Events ICACC20

YPN Communications subcommittee

The YPN Communications subcommittee makes sure that both the ACerS membership and YPN members are made aware of current opportunities, events, and are provided with updates regarding the YPN's community. They also help to foster that sense of community within the YPN group in the ACerS online member community.


Find out more about the YPN

For more information on the YPN activities and/or becoming a YPN Steering Committee member and a part of one of their subcommittees, contact us today!