ACerS’ President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) recognizes the difficulty that some students have finding a roommate to share costs when attending a meeting.  As a result, the PCSA has developed a new Roomshare Program for meetings.  If you are attending MS&T14 in Pittsburgh and need a roommate, why not try this new program out?  It’s easy to do.  Simply complete and submit the Roomshare matching form.  ACerS PCSA cannot guarantee you a hotel room but will make every effort to match roommates based on the information submitted.  Matched students are responsible for contacting hotels and making the reservations.  

The MS&T housing deadline is September 12, so make sure you reserve your place to stay today.  If you have any questions about housing or this program, visit the MS&T website or contact Jessica Rimsza with questions.     
