Get Involved
Want to support the next generation of ceramic and glass materials scientists? ACerS offers a number of ways for both members and nonmembers to support the Society, through volunteer opportunities, various professional networks, and the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation. Learn more about these opportunities at the links below.
Volunteer Today
One of the best ways to get connected within ACerS is by volunteering. There are many opportunities to volunteer within the Society.

Volunteer Resources
These tools have been designed to educate prospective volunteers, answer frequently asked questions and describe available opportunities.
- Committee Descriptions
- Committee Rosters
- ACerS Constitution
- ACerS Financial Overview
- Fiduciary Responsibilities
- Strategic Plan
- Whistleblower Policy
- Basic Rules of Parliamentary Procedure
- FAQ for Volunteer Leaders
- Best Practices for Committee Chairs
- Best Practices for Meeting and Symposium Organizers
Volunteer Resources FAQ
Volunteer at Meetings
Find ways to connect and serve in the greater ceramics and glass community.

Conference Mentorship Program
This NEW program has been created so that first-time conference attendees may get the most out of their conference experience by connecting with individuals that are excited to support new attendees.
The ACerS Conference Mentorship Programs will focus on conference attendance. ACerS also offers year-long ACerS Mentor Programs, which are separate from the conference mentor programs.

Welcome Ambassadors
The Member Services Committee seeks Welcome Ambassadors for the EMA (Orlando) and ICACC (Daytona Beach) conferences annually in January and at ACerS Annual Meeting with Materials Science & Technology.
The role of a welcome ambassador is to spend time in the ACerS lounge greeting new members, answering questions, and helping them gain the most value possible out of their meeting and ACerS membership experience.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Andrea Ross, meetings and membership director.

Competition Judges
Are you planning on attending MS&T? Each year we are in search of a number of volunteers to help us judge various student contests!
MS&T hosts the Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Speaking contest that includes both semi-final and final rounds. The purpose of the contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and to improve their presentation skills. The presentation subject must be technical but can relate to any aspect of materials science and engineering. One contestant from a university is able to compete in this contest.
The ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) hosts the ACerS PCSA Humanitarian Pitch Competition for students to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges about how to address a challenge that a community is experiencing. By utilizing their material engineering background, students should aim to show how improved materials/processes will benefit the community that is in need.
MS&T hosts the Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Poster contest. The purpose of the contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and to improve their presentation skills. The presentation subject must be technical but can relate to any aspect of materials science and engineering. One contestant from a university is able to compete in this contest.
Finally, the Material Advantage Graduate Student Poster contest is open to current graduate students pursuing M.S. or Ph.D. degrees, with the purpose being to recognize superior research performed during graduate study. Eligible posters must be accepted for the MS&T technical program to be entered into the contest. Entries will be displayed in the general poster session.
If you are willing and able to volunteer to be a student contest judge at MS&T, please contact foundation@ceramics.org. Volunteers will be provided with further details and judging guidelines.

Materials Science & Technology Student Experience
The American Ceramic Society, TMS and AIST host the Materials Science & Technology Student Experience at ACerS Annual Meeting with MS&T each year. The one-day event takes place on the exhibit floor during MS&T and features two 2-hour sessions which enable the students to rotate among eight demonstration tables while interacting with experts in the materials field.
Middle and high school students and their teachers are invited to participate to learn how important materials are to our everyday lives and hopefully be inspired to pursue careers in materials science or engineering.
Volunteers and sponsors are needed to perform hands-on demos in any area dealing with materials (ceramics, glass, polymers, metals, composites).
If you or your company/organization are interested in participating, contact Amanda Engen at aengen@ceramics.org.
Interested in Organizing a Technical Meeting?
Contact materials science specialist Madilyn Paul at mpaul@ceramics.org.

Society Leadership and Involvement
Find ways to connect and serve in the greater ceramics and glass community.
Get involved in a Division, Section or ACerS International Chapter
ACerS Member Online Community
In our new online community you can:
- Communicate with other members between meetings
- Seek answers to your questions and solutions to your problems
- Search and connect with colleagues
- Follow up with new friends after a conference
- Send emails to your contacts—no more searching your inbox for lost emails!
- Create a poll, ask a question, or share an update
- Bookmark conversations for quick reference later
Learn more about the ACerS member online community here!
ACerS member online community volunteer opportunities
Are you interested in becoming more involved with ACerS, your division, or your group (Young Professionals Network, etc.)? There are a number of ways to get involved! A couple of opportunities to do so is by volunteering as a Super Member or Moderator within the ACerS Member Community.
Check out the guidelines for each volunteer position below.
Interested? Please send us a message to let us know!
YPN Steering Committee - Subcommittees
Interested in becoming involved in the YPN Steering Committee? Join us within one of the following YPN subcommittees: YPN+1, YPN Connect, YPN Webinars, YPN Programming, YPN Communications.
Volunteer(s) must be a current ACerS member. Ideally volunteer(s) will be a member of the YPN who have completed their university/student career and are 40 years of age or under.
To inquire and/or express interest, reach out to Yolanda Natividad with the name(s) of the subcommittees you are interested in joining.
YPN+1 Program
The YPN+1 program offers a couple of ways that YPN members may seek to become involved in leadership roles.
YPN Division Liaisons
The opportunity to become a YPN Division Liaison will provide the ability for YPN members to connect in a meaningful way to their ACerS Division, learn how the Division operates, contribute to Division decisions, help promote engagement with other young professionals, and more.
YPN Division Liaisons must be a member of ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN) and a member of the specific ACerS Division.
The YPN+1 program is open to all eligible YPN members, although preference will be given to those who are not currently enrolled students.
Find out more about the currently available opportunities by visiting YPN+1 Program.
Principal Activity Committees
- Finance Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Publications Committee
- Book Publishing Sub-Committee
- Bulletin Editorial Advisory Board
- Meetings Committee
- Member Services Committee
- Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee
- Society Awards Committee
- Strategic Planning & Emerging Opportunities Committee
- Material Advantage Committee
ACerS Board of Directors
Elected by the membership from among its members, The American Ceramic Society’s Board of Directors sets policy, approves the budget, makes appointments to leadership and representative positions, confers awards, and carries out other important matters for the Society. Ultimately, the board is responsible for setting the Society’s strategic direction.
Board members are elected to three-year terms. Nine voting directors serve at-large. Their terms are staggered so that a third of the at-large seats become vacant every year. The president is elected to a term of one year as a voting member. The president also serves one year in advance of his/her term as president-elect, and one year following as the immediate past president. The Society’s treasurer is appointed for a two-year term. ACerS executive director, parliamentarian and student member serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board.
Candidates are asked to fill out the form(s) as completely as possible, following the instructions given. ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WILL REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND BE AVAILABLE ONLY TO THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The one exception to this is that we may choose to solicit additional information from the references you provide. This form(s) will stay on file for THREE YEARS from the date of application.

Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation
The mission of the CGIF is to ensure that the industry is able to attract and train the highest quality talent available to work with engineered systems and products that utilize ceramic and glass materials.