Event Description

View the call for abstracts

ACerS is pleased to announce the Breaking News Poster Session for ICACC. If you missed the abstract submission deadline, this new initiative is the opportunity to present your latest research via poster presentation.

Please send your abstract directly to Karen McCurdy at kmccurdy@ceramics.org by December 31, 2024, for inclusion in the ICACC Poster Sessions on January 28 and 29, 2025. Your Breaking News Poster abstract will be included in the ICACC On-line Planner as well as listed in a separate supplemental document in the conference guide.

When submitting a poster abstract to Karen McCurdy, the abstract must include this information and adhere to these guidelines:

1.) The abstract body and title must not exceed 1500 characters.
2.) Include the affiliations, institutions, professional status and email addresses for all authors listed on the abstract
3.) Provide at least three keywords for the keyword search function
4.) The symposium and session that the poster belongs

Due to the late submission, it is critical that the abstract submitter follow the above guidelines. If the abstract does not include these guidelines, it will not be uploaded as part of the Breaking News Poster Session.

Diverse group of attendees pose for a photo at ICACC 2024

Program Chair


Dr. Amjad S. Almansour

Materials Research Engineer, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center


ICACC Short Courses

ICACC will feature two short courses onsite! To register and learn more about each course, click the button below.

Introduction to Thermal Spray Coatings

Mechanical Properties of Ceramics and Glass

Get your companies message in front of ICACC attendees with our sponsorship opportunities!

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Exhibit information

Interested in exhibiting at ICACC 2025? Fill out the application here!

View the ICACC exhibit floor plan here!

For more information on exhibiting or sponsorship opportunities at ICACC 2025 contact Mona Thiel.

Did you know you can publish research with ACerS?

Here are a couple of great options for publishing!

International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES) is the ACerS-approved open access journal for ceramic science and ceramic engineering research. This ceramics journal is broad in scope and publishes peer reviewed sound papers across all aspects of ceramic and glass materials, including regular research articles, preliminary work, opinion/perspective papers (invited), and reviews.

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (ACT) publishes applied research on how ceramics and composites are developed for use in the commercial world. This ceramic engineering journal focuses on the commercialization of engineered ceramics, products and processes.


Hilton Daytona Beach Resort/Ocean Walk Village

100 North Atlantic Avenue

Daytona Beach


United States


The American Ceramic Society

Engineering Ceramics Division

The purpose of the Engineering Ceramics Division of The American Ceramic Society is to stimulate interest in the development and utilization of technology that falls within the broad category termed engineering ceramics. Members accomplish this by means of meetings for the presentation and discussion of professional papers, publication of professional literature, and promotion of scientific and industrial research.

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