ACerS Marketing Planner
Reach a global audience with ACerS Marketing Planner
Since 1898, ACerS has been the hub of the global ceramics community and one of the most trusted sources of ceramic materials and applications knowledge.
The mission of ACerS is to advance the study, understanding, and use of ceramics and related materials, for the benefit of our members and society. More than 10,000 scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals from more than 70 countries make up the members of The American Ceramic Society.
If ceramics and glass technologies are a significant part of your work, then ACerS is the professional society for you. And if your company makes and sells products and services used by ceramics and glass professionals, ACerS offers a variety of ways to reach them with your marketing message.
Whether in print, online, or at an event, your company can benefit from association with the well-known and established ACerS brand. The ACerS team can work with you to customize a marketing package that meets your specific needs and connects you with the ACerS community.
ACerS can help you reach a global community of ceramics and glass professionals
Advertising with ACerS positions your brand with prominence in front of nearly 10,000 ACerS members, 45,000 monthly unique website visitors, and 12,000 opt-in subscribers from around the globe that rely on and trust ACerS for timely and critical technical content and industry information each month!
ACerS can help you position your company as a leader in the ceramics and glass field by using proven channels to reach our members and paid subscribers. Let ACerS work with you to be an essential part of your marketing program!
An integrated combination of ACerS products can help you reach the greatest number of prospects. Call to discuss how bundling packages can give you the greatest impact. Work with ACerS to develop a campaign that works best for you.
About ACerS Readers
Core Profile & Market
As the hub of the global ceramics and glass community, ACerS is uniquely positioned as the only Society in materials science that brings together this specialized, international network of thought leaders and peers. ACerS members are scientists and engineers within the ceramics and glass fields who span senior to early career positions. ACerS student members represent the next generation of these professionals.
Our members make up a close-knit international community who value one another’s expertise and who have high levels of trust in ACerS and the products and experiences we deliver.
ACerS influential members and subscribers...
- Are highly educated professionals who hold influential positions at their organizations. 68% of ACerS professional members have a PhD and 17% have a master’s degree.
- Are managers or professional staff members (engineers, scientists, etc.)
- Work at organizations directly involved with:
- Advanced ceramics and glass
- Traditional ceramics
- Energy, transportation, electronics, defense, government labs, universities, and more
- According to a 2021 Survey, 75% of members read the Bulletin regularly and 78% were satisfied to extremely satisfied
- Access to up-to-date information on scientific research from ACerS publications was cited as one of the top reasons for joining ACerS
- ACerS publications and access to global networking opportunities are highly valued and the dominant drivers for engaging with the Society, either as a member or non-member customer.
- The Society provides a forum for all professionals who are actively engaged in the advancement of ceramic and glass technologies.
- ACerS is the only Society that can provide a community of like-minded colleagues with a shared interest in ceramics and glass.
- Overwhelmingly, member respondents find value in membership. They directly correlate value with the Society’s ability to provide access to up-to-date scientific information.
- ACerS publications provide an outlet for information and global connections that cannot be found elsewhere. ACerS publications are highly valued Society assets.
The ACerS Bulletin
The ACerS Bulletin membership magazine brings you the latest ceramic and glass materials research news and industry trends, as well as updates about the Society, its members, and activities. The Bulletin offers multiple ways to advertise:
- Print ads
- Online ads
- ACerS newsletters
To reserve your ad space, please contact:
Mona Thiel
National Sales Director
614-794-5834 Phone
614-891-8960 Fax
Download the 2025 Media Kit for ad rates, specs, and the full editorial calendar.
Advertising Terms & Conditions
Payment due net 30 days from the date of invoice. Payment in U.S. funds only. A 1.5% monthly late charge, computed from the date of original invoice, may be assessed on past due accounts. All payments should be made by check (drawn on a U.S. bank), credit card, or wire transfer.
Short Rates and Rebates
- Rate earned is determined by the total number of insertions within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion.
- Advertisers will be sent a short rate adjustment invoice, if they have not used the number of insertions on which their billing has been based.
Publisher’s Copy Protection Provision
Advertisements subject to acceptance by publisher. Advertisers and/or agencies assume liability for all contents of advertisements printed or inserted and agree to indemnify publisher for any and all claims or lawsuits arising from libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, etc., which may be predicated on the contents of the advertisements ordered.
Right of Refusal
All advertisements will be reviewed and are subject to approval before placement. We reserve the right to refuse ads deemed inappropriate by our editorial and management staff.
Digital Marketing Media Opportunity
Advertise to ACerS audience through Digital Marketing!
ACerS offers Retargeting and Geo-Fencing opportunities.
Exhibitions & Sponsorships
ACerS many events allow your company to gain maximum exposure. Create a fully integrated marketing program encompassing premier ceramic and glass conferences/exhibitions.
- Exhibit at one or more ACerS conferences
- Sponsorship of an ACerS conference relating to the markets you serve
- Market-wide promotion in ACerS Bulletin before, during, and after the conference event
Gain direct access and increased visibility through branding and networking at premier ceramic and glass conferences and exhibitions. A fully integrated marketing program should include print, digital and by connecting with attendees at the the events.
For questions on reserving exhibit space at ICACC, please contact:
Mona Thiel
National Sales Director
614-794-5834 Phone
614-891-8960 Fax
For questions on sponsorship opportunities for our meetings, please contact:
Andrea Ross
Director Meetings, Marketing & Membership
Visit the ACerS event calendar for updates on the latest meetings, as new events are constantly being added.