Meet the 2024–2025 ACerS Board of Directors
Elected by the membership from among its members, The American Ceramic Society’s Board of Directors sets policy, approves the budget, makes appointments to leadership and representative positions, confers awards, and carries out other important matters for the Society. Ultimately, the board is responsible for setting the Society’s strategic direction.
Board members are elected to three-year terms. Nine voting directors serve at-large. Their terms are staggered so that a third of the at-large seats become vacant every year. The president is elected to a term of one year as a voting member. The president also serves one year in advance of his/her term as president-elect, and one year following as the immediate past president. The Society’s treasurer is appointed for a three-year term. A treasurer-elect is appointed every three years to serve a one-year term to overlap the treasurer. ACerS executive director, parliamentarian, treasurer-elect, and student member serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board.