Ruyan Guo
Ruyan Guo is Robert E. Clarke Endowed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UTSA. She was a tenured full professor of EE and MRI, PennState (prior to 2007).
Guo has been an active researcher/educator working at the frontier of materials science and device engineering on sensors, actuators, modulators, and energy converter applications, with 450+ technical papers, 34 transaction books/conference proceedings, and 6 US patents published/issued. She has guided 80 students to completion in graduate research at PennState/UTSA and has experience in chairing academic department and developing interdisciplinary research and academic programs.
A member of ACerS since 1986, Guo co-organized many ACerS symposia on electronic ceramics. She served as the elected Division Chair (2002-03) and Trustee (2006-09) of the Electronics Division, and served/chaired several steering, nominating, and award (such as John Jeppson) committees. Her leadership and services also include as a member of AdCom IEEE-UFFC (2006-08), advisory board PRF American Chemical Society (2009-15), Track Chair SPIE Photonic Devices and Applications (2002 to date), and NSF Program Director (2019-2022) Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Division. Guo is a recognized Society Fellow of ACerS, IEEE, SPIE, an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, and a recipient of ACerS John Jeppson and Global Ambassador Awards.