The Association of American Ceramic Component Manufacturers
AACCM's member companies manufacture ceramic components from ceramic powders at U.S. operating facilities. AACCM's purpose is to expand the market for U.S.-manufactured components by enhancing processes and quality, and to increase awareness of ceramic applications.

International Ceramic Federation
The ICF was established in 1990 as a nongovernmental, nonprofit federation of societies representing ceramists, ceramic engineers, and ceramic scientists of the member countries. The purpose of the ICF is to promote and stimulate understanding and cooperation among member societies from different countries. The American Ceramic Society serves as the secretariat for the ICF.

International Commission on Glass
ICG is a non-profit international glass society consisting of 31 national organizations in glass science and technology, whose aim is to promote cooperation between glass experts.

Japan Fine Ceramics Association (JFCA)
Since its foundation in November 1986, Japan Fine Ceramics Association (JFCA) is an organization with a mission to promote the development of the fine ceramics industry.
In order to utilize the most advanced technologies of fine ceramics, it requires multiple collaboration of manufacturers, users, universities and research laboratories, together with the fusion of other materials. The members of Japan Fine Ceramics Association include a diversity of industries such as; Ceramics, Chemicals, Metals, Automobiles, Electronics, Power supply and Service. Through various activities, JFCA brings together and promotes cooperation among government, industry and academia for the further development of the fine ceramics industry.

Keramos, founded by students at the University of Illinois in 1915, is a professional fraternity for ceramic engineers. The organization promotes scholarship and interest in the professional aspects of ceramic engineering, technology, and science.

Materials Science & Technology
This conference addresses structure, properties, processing, and performance across the materials community. It is organized by ACerS, TMS, AIST, and includes The Advanced Materials Show.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was founded in 1901 and is now part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST is one of the nation's oldest physical science laboratories. Congress established the agency to remove a major challenge to U.S. industrial competitiveness at the time — a second-rate measurement infrastructure that lagged behind the capabilities of the United Kingdom, Germany and other economic rivals.The Advanced Materials Show.

The Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories
UNITECR is a biennial international conference that contributes to the progress and exchange of industrial knowledge and technologies concerning refractories. The American Ceramic Society serves as the secretariat for UNITECR.

U.S. Advanced Ceramics Association
Founded in 1985, the U.S. Advanced Ceramics Association champions the business interests of the advanced ceramic producers and end-users. Its members range from the largest U.S. industrial companies to smaller corporations dedicated to the manufacture of advanced ceramic products.
Diamond Level Corporate Partners
The ACerS Corporate Partnership program is designed for companies of all sizes that wish to grow their business through networking and exposure to ceramics and glass professionals around the world, engage with the society, and support their industry.