
Home to Global Leaders in Industry

The ACerS Corporate Partnership program is designed for companies of all sizes that wish to grow their business through networking and exposure to ceramics and glass professionals around the world, engage with the society, and support their industry.

If ceramic material and technologies are a significant part of what you do, then an ACerS Corporate Partnership is for you.


Become a Corporate Partner Today

Corporate Partnership. Take your place among corporate leaders in the industry.

View a list of companies who have already taken advantage of ACerS Corporate Partnership.

Please Note: Corporate Partner memberships are based upon the calendar year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31). Annual dues and benefits can be prorated according to your membership start date. Please contact our Associate Director of Membership and Industry Relations, Yolanda Natividad by email or phone 614-794-5827 to join, request the current pro-rated dues amount, or for more information.

Corporate Partner Program

YouTube video

Diamond Partnership

Business management and leadership opportunities, along with high visibility of your corporate brand on ACerS home page.

Sapphire Partnership

Company exposure and member benefits for up to six individuals.

Corporate Partnership

Partner with ACerS and provide member benefits and training for employees.

Key Partner Benefits

Corporate Partnership features specific benefits to support your marketing and advertising programs along with professional development and training for your employees.

  • Full ACerS member benefits for company representatives.
  • Exposure to more than 12,000 readers with an advertisement in The Bulletin print and electronic issues.
  • Direct access to thousands of ceramic and glass professionals.
  • Training for employees at discounted rates
  • Business management and leadership development for management level employees
  • Recruit top talent with unlimited 30-day job postings at ACerS Career Center.
  • Exclusive networking opportunities at ACerS events.

Choose from one of three partnership levels that best fits your desired level of engagement, and become a part of the ACerS community of corporate leaders.

Have Questions?

For more information on becoming a Corporate Partner, contact Yolanda Natividad.

ACerS Corporate Partner Proration Guidelines

Corporate partnerships are on a calendar-year membership (January 1 – December 31). Annual dues are pro-rated based upon the date you join. Certain benefits that are available at each corresponding partnership level are adjusted based upon join date, as outlined below. All other benefits are available year-round and not pro-rated relative to your join date.

Corporate partners joining after November 1 must pay entire annual dues, and corresponding membership and full benefits will be extended to December 31 of the following year.

* Discount available for all employees.  Short course/workshops may not be eligible.  Please contact customer service to inquire and/or register.
** Discount available only for individual members included with Corporate Partnership.  Certain meetings may not be eligible.  Please contact customer service to inquire and/or register.
*** All employees and guests must pre-register by contacting customer service before the banquet.