The American Ceramic Society is pleased to offer our ACerS Learning Center Certificate Program. This program is designed for those who wish to take multiple courses for career advancement.
The ACerS Learning Center Certificate Program puts you in the driver’s seat.
Our three certificate tracks offer a selection of courses for you to customize your learning journey for the skills you need to advance in your job.
Each course is taught by a leading expert in the field. We have recruited leading experts in the ceramics and glass field to develop courses to share their vast experience and knowledge with you. You gain the benefit the decades experience in industry and academia that our instructors bring.
For students completing the certificate program:
- Learn new material and refresh your previous knowledge from leading experts
- Improve job skills and performance
- Improve chances for career advancement
- A complimentary 1 year ACerS membership
For employers supporting their employees:
- Motivate and show their employees they value their role in the organization
- Improve the performance of employees
- Enhance the company’s competitive position
- Improve your bottom line!
Three customizable programs
Choose from one of three certificate programs outlined below. A certificate will be awarded after the completion of three courses within a program. The registration rates for each course are listed on their respective webpages. Don’t delay, jump-start your career today!
Ceramic Manufacturing Certificate
Complete three of the following courses:
- Introduction to Ceramic Science, Technology, and Manufacturing (On Demand)
- Ceramic Manufacturing Technology (On Demand)
- Drying of Ceramics (On Demand)
- Firing of Ceramics (On Demand)
- Statistical Process Control in Ceramic Processing (On Demand)
- Using Phase Diagrams for Industry (On Demand)
- Glaze Manufacturing for Industry (On Demand)
- Additive Manufacturing of High-Technology Ceramics (Virtual Short Course)
- Dispersion and Rheology Control for Improved Ceramic Processing (On Demand)
- Sintering of Ceramics (Virtual Short Course)
Glass Manufacturing Certificate
Complete three of the following courses:
- Introduction to Ceramic Science, Technology, and Manufacturing (On Demand)
- Ceramic Manufacturing Technology (On Demand)
- Introduction to Glass Properties (On Demand)
- Statistical Process Control in Ceramic Processing (On Demand)
- Glaze Manufacturing for Industry (On Demand)
- Using Phase Diagrams for Industry (On Demand)
- Machine Learning for Glass (Virtual Short Course)
- Glass Corrosion (In-Person Short Course)
- Phil Ross DVD courses (Pick 1 of 3 available DVD courses)
Advanced Ceramics Certificate
Complete three of the following courses:
- Introduction to Advanced Ceramics (On Demand)
- Ceramic Manufacturing Technology (On Demand)
- Statistical Process Control in Ceramic Processing (On Demand)
- Using Phase Diagrams for Industry (On Demand)
- Additive Manufacturing for High-Technology Ceramics (Virtual Short Course)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (Virtual Short Course)
- Drying of Ceramics (On Demand)
- Firing of Ceramics (On Demand)
- Dispersion and Rheology Control for Improved Ceramic Processing (On Demand)
- Tools for Visualizing and Understanding the Structure of Crystalline Ceramics (On Demand)
- Machine Learning for Materials Science and Engineering (Virtual Short Course)
- Understanding Why Ceramics Fail and Designing for Safety (DVD)
- Sintering of Ceramics (Virtual Short Course)
- Automated Experiment in Materials Synthesis and Characterization (On Demand)
Refractory Technology Certificates
(Two certificates available through Orton Ceramics)
Basic Refractory Technology
Complete the below courses:
- Refractory Fundamentals (On Demand)
- Characterization of Refractory Microstructures (On Demand)
- Properties of Refractories (On Demand)
- Properties and Testing of Refractories (In-Person Short Course)
Intermediate Refractory Technology
Complete the below courses:
- Refractory Manufacturing (On Demand)
- Drying and Firing of Refractories (On Demand)
- Design and Failure of Refractories (On Demand)
- Processing of Refractories Laboratory Instruction (In-Person Short Course at Orton Ceramics)
Start your Certificate Program today!
For questions or to get started, please contact ACerS materials science specialist Madilyn Paul at