Monica Ferraris

Monica Ferraris


President 2024-2025

Monica Ferraris is a Full Professor of Science and Technology of Materials at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. She received a Master’s Degree in Solid State Chemistry at the University of Torino, Italy, in 1985 and started her career as Junior Research Scientist with the Italian Telecom Research Laboratory in October 1985. Ferraris later joined Fiat Research Centre (1991) and Politecnico di Torino (1992) as a research Scientist and Lecturer at the Materials Science and Technology, where she is Full Professor since 2005.

Ferraris is an ACerS Fellow, member since 1995 and affiliated with the Engineering Ceramics Division, Associate Editor (2014-) and co-Editor in Chief (2015-) of ACerS’s International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Chair of the Italy Chapter of The American Ceramic Society, 2017; she has been awarded with the Global Star Award, from The American Ceramic Society (2011) and she is a Global Ambassador of The American Ceramic Society (since 2016).