About YPN+1

The YPN+1 program is a program that helps to provide leadership opportunities to ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN) members within ACerS and their ACerS Divisions.

This program has been organized by the ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN) and offers the following ways that YPN members may seek to become involved in leadership roles. Find out more about each of these leadership opportunities below.


YPN Division Liaison

The opportunity to become a YPN Division Liaison will provide the ability for YPN members to connect in a meaningful way to their ACerS Division, learn how the Division operates, contribute to Division decisions, help promote engagement with other young professionals, and more.

YPN Division Liaisons must be a member of ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN) and a member of the specific ACerS Division.

The YPN+1 program is open to all eligible YPN members, although preference will be given to those who are not currently enrolled students.

YPN Division Liaison expectations

  • Take part in division leadership conference calls (3-6 times per year).
  • Identify and coordinate opportunities for YPN members to be involved in various Division activities.
  • Take initiative to develop new activities and programs that support overall Division goals.
  • Meet with other YPN Division Liaisons to share successes and challenges (3-4 times per year).
  • Provide collective feedback, along with other liaisons, to the YPN Steering Committee.

Current calls for YPN Division Liaisons

At this time we are soliciting applications for YPN Division Liaisons for the following divisions.

The deadline has now passed to submit applications for the 2024-2025 cohort of YPN+1 Division Liaisons.

The YPN+1 sub-committee will review applications and notify selected liaisons for the 2024-2025 cohort on or before August 16, 2024.

Join the growing YPN community

If you have completed your university career and/or are between the ages of 25-40, you are encouraged to join the ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN).

You may join this growing community by logging in to your ACerS Personal Snapshot and marking "Young Professionals Network (YPN)" under the Interest Groups and Communities tab.