Our Mission
The Energy Materials and Systems Division of The American Ceramic Society focuses on stimulating the growth and activities of the Society in the arts and sciences pertaining to ceramic and glass materials for energy-related applications. We represent the Society in matters pertaining to the science and engineering of ceramic and glass materials and related technology, as they apply to the harvesting, conversion, storage, transport and utilization of energy.
Upcoming Events
Division Resources
The Energy Materials and Systems Division of The American Ceramic Society is dedicated to the development of its members. If you would like to contact any of the EMS Division officers, visit the ACerS online Membership Directory for contact information. You must be a member to access the directory. You may also contact Vicki Evans who will assist you.
2024–2025 Energy Materials and Systems Division Officers
Chair: Yang Bai | University of Oulu, Finland
Vice-chair: Charmayne Lonergan | Missouri S & T
Secretary: Joshua Tong | Clemson University
Program Committee Chair: Sepideh Akhbarifar | The Catholic University of America
ACerS Board of Directors Division Liaison: Alexandra Navrotsky | Arizona State University
DEI Subcommittee representative: Marissa Reigel | Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics
President's Council of Student Advisors Delegates: Hugh Smith | Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Graciela Martinez De la Rosa | Saltillo Institute of Technology
YPN Division Liaison: Damandeep Kaur | Institute of Applied Physics IFAC-CNR
Division Awards
Energy Materials and Systems: D.T. Rankin Award
This award recognizes a member of the Energy Materials and Systems Division who has demonstrated exemplary service to the division....
Energy Materials and Systems: Outstanding Student Researcher Award
The Outstanding Student Researcher (OSR) Award recognizes exemplary student research related to the mission of the Energy Materials and Systems...
Energy Materials and Systems: Student Stipend for ACerS Annual Meeting/MS&T
The Energy Materials and Systems Division (EMSD) of The American Ceramic Society is sponsoring four stipends in the amount of...
Diversity Statement
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering.
ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.

About the Energy Materials and Systems Division
Learn how the Energy Materials and Systems Division can help your research and career. Download and share the Energy Materials and Systems Division flyer summarizing the Division’s benefits, mission and focused meetings.