Expand your circle through ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN)
The American Ceramic Society’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) aims to provide support, community, and leadership opportunities to members as they transition from students to successful professionals that are active members of the broader ceramic society.
Join the Growing YPN Community
You may join this growing community by logging in to your ACerS Personal Snapshot and marking "Young Professionals Network (YPN)" under the Interest Groups and Communities tab.
By joining today, you will receive YPN communications that will highlight opportunities for networking, volunteering, professional development, and more.
YPN Steering Committee and its subcommittees
ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN) is guided by the YPN Steering Committee and its subcommittees. See below to find out more about these subcommittees.
Current Calls for Volunteers
YPN Steering Committee - Subcommittees
Interested in becoming involved in the YPN Steering Committee? Join us within one of the following YPN subcommittees: YPN+1, YPN Connect, YPN Webinars, YPN Programming, YPN Communications.
Volunteer(s) must be a current ACerS member. Ideally volunteer(s) will be a member of the YPN who have completed their university/student career and are 40 years of age or under.
To inquire and/or express interest, reach out to Yolanda Natividad with the name(s) of the subcommittees you are interested in joining.
YPN Connect - November
Join us for the upcoming ACerS YPN Connect event scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 3:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm UTC.
This virtual event is open to both ACerS YPN members and non-members, so be sure to invite your colleagues and friends!
Register below - we look forward to seeing you there!
YPN+1 Program - NEW
The YPN+1 Program offers the YPN Division Liaison program so that YPN members may seek to become involved in leadership roles within their Division.
Stay Connected
ACerS Member Community
Join us in the Young Professionals Network group within the ACerS Member Community.
Join us in the ACerS Young Professionals Network (YPN) group.
Young Professional Awards
Basic Science: Early Discovery Award
The Basic Science Division Early Discovery Award recognizes an early career member of ACerS who has demonstrated a contribution to basic...
Bioceramics: Bioceramics Young Scholar Award
The Bioceramics Young Scholar Award recognizes excellence in research among current degree-seeking graduate students and postdoctoral research associates.
Bioceramics: Global Young Bioceramicist Award
The Global Young Bioceramicist (GYB) Award recognizes the outstanding young ceramic engineer and material scientist, who has made significant contributions...
Advance your Career
- Post your resume and search the Ceramic Career and Glass Center
- Increase your knowledge with Ceramic Materials Course offerings
- Participate in free webinars without ever having to leave the office or lab.
- Write for JACerS, ACT, IJAGS, or ACerS’ Bulletin
- Present a paper or poster at ACerS meetings
Volunteer with the YPN
- Sign up for one or more of the ACerS Mentor Programs
- Apply to be a part of the NEW YPN+1 Program
- Be a Super Member or Moderator within the new ACerS Member Community
- Join the YPN as a Steering Committee member
- Serve as a Student Contest Judge
Invaluable Connections
“The connections that I’ve made through The American Ceramic Society have been invaluable. I highly encourage anyone to get involved with the Society.”
Geoff Brennecka, Colorado School of Mines
2024-2025 Young Professionals Network (YPN) Steering Committee
Become an Individual or Associate Member
If you are a recent graduate, ACerS can help you succeed by offering you a FREE Associate Membership.
By becoming an ACerS Individual or Associate Member, you’ll have access to valuable resources that will benefit you now and throughout your career.