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The ACerS Electronic Materials and Applications (EMA) Organizing Committee is planning for the 2025 EMA meeting, to be held February 25-28, 2025 in Denver, Colorado. This will be the 15th annual EMA meeting, which is organized by the Electronics and Basic Science Divisions.

Both division-specific and co-organized symposia are strongly encouraged. Topics in basic science, and those that bridge the gaps from materials development to applications, are of particular interest with an emphasis on but not limited to computational materials science. We also encourage you to consider diversity and inclusion while building your teams. The meeting promotes the development of students and young professionals, and provides award competitions and complimentary registrations for select attendees.

Organizing committee

Mina Yoon, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Electronics Division)

Reeja Jayan, Carnegie Mellon University (Electronics Division)

Fei Peng, Clemson University (Basic Science Division)

Ming Tang, Rice University (Basic Science Division)

Did you know you can publish research with ACerS?

Here are a couple of great options for publishing!

International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES) is the ACerS-approved open access journal for ceramic science and ceramic engineering research. This ceramics journal is broad in scope and publishes peer reviewed sound papers across all aspects of ceramic and glass materials, including regular research articles, preliminary work, opinion/perspective papers (invited), and reviews. Submit your manuscript to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijces

Journal of the American Ceramic Society (JACerS) is a leading ceramic science and engineering journal. Publishing research across the field of ceramic and glass materials, this journal has consistently been a valued source for impactful ceramic materials science research for more than 100 years. Submit your manuscript to wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/JACerS


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The American Ceramic Society

Basic Science Division

Electronics Division

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