
The October/November issue of the ACerS Bulletin will be in subscribers’ mailboxes soon, and it’s loaded with exclusive content you just won’t find anywhere else.

The cover story for this issue details the progress of ceramic technology in the US’s neighbors to the north and south (and biggest trading partners), Canada and Mexico. Other features cover functional glasses for energy and information technology applications, the NSF CAREER program for young professors, and how some CAREER participants are working to inspire a new generation of materials scientists.

Readers will also learn about multiple meetings, including three events set for early 2014—the 38th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2014), the Electronic Materials and Applications (EMA 2014) meeting, and Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE 2014).


As always, we also cover the latest news at the Society, business developments and trends, and advances in ceramic technology and research.

The ACerS Bulletin is the most widely read publication in the ceramics field, and ACerS members get free print and online access. More information on ACerS membership and all its benefits is available here.
