A total of 360 people from 24 countries attended the 15th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15). ICOTOM 15 was held June 1-6, 2008, at Carnegie Mellon University Center, Pittsburgh, PA. ICOTOM is dedicated to the goal of promoting all aspects of texture research and applications in all kinds of crystalline materials, from metals to rocks to polymers. This conference included 302 presentation, 80 posters and four short courses.

Meeting Summary

ICOTOM 15 Report

American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 87, No 8, pg 16.

Download the Meeting Guide

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Meeting Proceedings

ICOTOM 2008 Proceedings are available in  ACerS Bookstore.

Applications of Texture Analysis: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 201

Materials Processing and Texture: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 200
