Japan Chapter Session

The ACerS International Japan Chapter and the International Committee of the Ceramic Society of Japan co-hosted the International Session at the Annual Meeting 2024 of the Ceramic Society of Japan in Kumamoto, Japan, on March 14, 2024.

Opening remarks were given by Chair-elect of the Japan Chapter, Dr. Yoshihiko Imanaka.

Two Richard M. Fulrath Award 2023 winners, Nicola H. Perry of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Yukio Sato of Kumamoto University, presented invited talks (2nd and 8th from right in the photo).

Subsequently, Tessa Davey of Bangor University, Secretary of the Japan Chapter, and Demirskyi Dmytro of Kobe University, presented invited talks (3rd and 4th from right in the photo).
