Dr. Yukie Asano of Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (fourth from left in the photo), and Dr. Kohmei Halada of Sustainability Design Institute, presented invited talks.
Subsequently, Dr. Hiroki Tanaka of Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ), Berlin, Germany, and Dr. Didier Chaussende of SIMaP, University of Grenoble Alps, presented invited talks (sixth and ninth from right in the photo).











The ACerS International Japan Chapter and the Japan Electronic Materials Society (JEMS) completed the International Session at the 61st Autumn Meeting 2024 of the Japan Electronic Materials Society, in Tsukuba, Japan, on Oct. 29, 2024.








Awards for Best Presentation were given to Masatoshi Tsuchida of The University of Tokyo (left) and Taiyo Inomata of Niigata University (right). The ACerS International Japan Chapter congratulates these two individuals for outstanding performance.


Vicki Evans

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