At the end of November, ACerS International Taiwan Chapter members participated in an annual international delegation visit, focusing on the 25th Tokyo International Powder Technology Exhibition (POWTEX® 2024) at Tokyo BigSight. The visit took place from November 25 –30, 2024, lasting six days. The event was hosted by the Taiwan Ceramic Society and the Taiwan Passive Components Industry Association.

The delegation aimed to explore and engage with Japanese industries that face similar structural challenges as Taiwan, such as global trends, corporate transformation, and growth. By visiting local businesses and interacting with Japanese professionals, the delegation gained valuable insights into Japan’s technical advancements and industry strategies, which can serve as a reference for fostering Taiwan-Japan technological cooperation. This initiative also promoted international exchanges among members and aimed to drive sustainable industry development. The ACerS International Taiwan Chapter encourages all members to take advantage of future opportunities to participate in such delegations.


Vicki Evans

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