[All images] Credit: ACerS


Materials Science & Technology 2016 continues to deliver top-quality materials science and engineering research at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, this week. Here are a few more shots of all the materials science action—and be sure to check out ACerS Flickr page for more images from MS&T16!


Tuesday’s poster session stimulated discussion among conference attendees.


Entries into the annual Mug Drop contest came in many shapes, sizes, and forms—some pretty, and some pretty creative.


Entries in the mug drop competition tried to survive a fall from the highest distance off the unforgiving concrete floor.


ACerS installed new officers and directors at the Annual Meeting on Monday. The 2016-2017 Board of Directors: Front row from left: Charlie Spahr, secretary and executive director; Daniel Lease, treasurer; William Lee, president; Mrityunjay Singh, past-president; Michael Alexander, president-elect; Dana Goski, director. Back row from left: David Johnson, parliamentarian; Tatsuki Ohji, director; Geoffrey Brennecka, director; Lynnette Madsen, director; Hua-Tay Lin, director; Manoj Choudhary, director; Martin Harmer, director; Gregory Rohrer, director. Not pictured: Doreen Edwards, director.


ACerS 2016 Class of Fellows.


Winning entries in the PCSA Creativity Competition are displayed in the ACerS lounge—stop by to see these beautiful works of art!


Expert technical sessions drew an eager crowd at MS&T16.


President Mrityunjay Singh led ACerS 118th Annual Membership Meeting on Monday. Singh (left) reported on Society achievements during the year. Incoming president, William Lee (center) outlined his goals for the coming year, and Singh officially passed the gavel and the office to Lee to close the meeting (right).


High quality materials science research spilled onto the expo floor for the poster session.


Beautiful artwork displayed the clear overlap between art and science.


Two special moments at the awards banquet included a recognition of David Green’s (left) 18 years as editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. The audience extended a warm congratulations and standing ovation to Green, who will retire at the end of 2016. Also, pictured right, past-president Kathleen Richardson thanked president Mrityunjay Singh for his service.


Networking and materials science conversations continued through the coffee breaks.


Cato Laurencin (left) delivered an inspiring talk on regenerative tissue engineering at Tuesday’s Rustum Roy award lecture. He is pictured with ACerS president, Mrityunjay Singh.


The Alfred R. Cooper session on glass science recognized student and professional speakers. Steve Martin organized this year’s session. Pictured left to right: Martin, John Keiffer, Matthew Tuggle, Neville Greaves, Sabayasachi Sen, and Randall Youngman. Tuggle was the Cooper Scholar Lecturer, and Greaves was the Cooper Distinguished Lecturer.


April Gocha

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