[Image above] Jay Singh (left) became Society president on Monday, and Bill Lee (right) became president-elect. Credit: ACerS


The Materials Science and Technology conference opened on Sunday in Columbus, Ohio. More than 3,000 materials scientists, engineers, and students will attend. In addition, ACerS holds its Annual Meeting during MS&T. Here is a quick glimpse at the Sunday and Monday activities.

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ACerS president Kathleen Richardson (right corner) with the President’s Council of Student Advisors on Saturday. Credit: ACerS

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Bill Carty, chair of the new Manufacturing Division, reports on the Division’s activities at Sunday’s Division Leaders meeting. Credit: ACerS

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President’s Council of Student Advisors delegates at the Women in Science reception. Credit: ACerS

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ACerS lounge – a popular meeting place. Credit: ACerS

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Keramos inducted its 10,000th member and celebrated its centennial anniversary at a special reception on Sunday. These students were among many who were there. Credit: ACerS

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Arun Varshneya delivered the Friedberg Lecture on Monday to a packed room. Credit: ACerS

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GOMD chair Steve Feller recognizes Emily Aaldenberg, the Cooper Young Scholar Award winner. Credit: ACerS

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Martha Mecartney and Yuichi Ikuhara after the ACerS awards banquet on Monday. Ikuhara is the 2016 Sosman lecturer. Credit: ACerS


Eileen De Guire

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