[Image above] Left to right: Stuart Leland, Jessica Erickson, Presley Philipp, and Charmayne Lonergan (GOMD22 program chair). Credit: ACerS


During the GOMD22 Meeting held in Baltimore, Md. in May, the Glass & Optical Materials Division presented several student awards. Congratulations to the following awardees!

Glorious Glass Demo Competition

First place: Charles Bellows, Alfred University, Strengthened Glass

Second place: Geovana Santana, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Glass transition unveiled: a short video

Third place: Elizabeth Tsekrekas, Alfred University, Is Red Glass Magic?

Student Poster Competition


First place: Stuart Leland, Iowa State University

Second Place: Jessica Erickson, Washington State University

Third place: Presley Philipp, Iowa State University

Left to right: Harsh Uppala, Lucas Greiner, A. Ray Cowen, and Charmayne Lonergan (GOMD22 program co-chair)


First place: Harsh Uppala, Creighton University

Second place: Lucas Greiner, Alfred University

Third place: A. Ray Cowen, The Ohio State University


Yolanda Natividad

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