At its Annual Meeting in conjunction with PACRIM12 in May 2017,  the Glass & Optical Materials Division awarded best student poster prizes to the following winners. Thanks to Corning Incorporated for their sponsorship of the annual contest.

1st place: Maria White, Austin Peay State University

Title: Technological Aspects and Characterization of Solution-based Arsenic Selenide Thin Films

2nd place: Yingtian Yu, University of California, Davis

Title: Origin of the Mixed Alkaline Earth Effect on the Hardness of Silicate Glasses

3rd place: Anthony DeCeanne, Coe College

Title:  Producing Amorphous Tellurium Dioxide

Honorable Mention: Tobias Bechgaard, Aalborg University

Title: Photoelastic Response of Permanently Densified Oxide Glasses


Erica Zimmerman

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