The Nominating Committee seeks nominations for Section Officers. Self-nomination is welcomed. To nominate an individual, send email to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Kelley Wilkerson (, indicating the position, name of nominee, and a brief description of their qualifications (not to exceed 200 words). Any person nominated for office must be a member in good standing of ACerS and the Section. Student or GGRN members can be elected as a section officer but no more than one student or GGRN member can hold a Section Office in any given year. For more information about the roles and responsibilities of Officer positions, see the abbreviated descriptions below:

  • The Section Chair shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Section and shall perform duties usual to the office. The Chair shall preside at the meetings of the Section and shall be an ex-officio member of all Section committees.
  • The role of the Vice Chair is to support the Section Chair and serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
  • The Secretary shall prepare and maintain minutes of Section meetings and collect the minutes of committee meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a roster of Section membership to include the contact information and status of each member and maintain all official records.
  • The Treasurer shall maintain all Section financial records and shall prepare an annual statement of accounts and such special reports as may be called for by the Executive Committee.

A slate of Section Officer nominees will be transmitted to all Section members two weeks prior to the annual meeting. Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a term of two years.
