Are you a student attending ICACC’14?  Check out these student activities during the conference, January 26-31, 2014, Daytona Beach, FL, USA!

Student and Young Professional Mixer:  Mark your calendars for food and conversation on Monday, January 27, 2014, 7 – 9 p.m. EST.

New for 2014!  Lunch with Industry:  Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 12 – 1 p.m. EST.

  • The Ceramic Education Council, in collaboration with ACerS’ PCSA, is organizing this event that gives students a chance to ask candid questions about careers in materials science in an informal setting. The CEC is pairing off industry/national lab professionals with students (over lunch). Lunch is on your own, and the CEC is simply linking students with industry/national lab volunteers. Industry and national lab volunteers have been lined up from organizations, such as Mo-Sci Corporation, General Electric, Saint Gobain and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  This opportunity is on a first come, first served basis as we have to limit the number of students based on our number of volunteers. The CEC will arrange a meeting place and time at the conference hotel for students and industry/national lab lunch partners. Where you go to lunch is up to your group. Interested students need to RSVP Dr. Ed Sabolsky.

SCHOTT Glass Competition:  Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 6:30 – 8 p.m. EST, The Ocean Center, Exhibit Show Floor.

  • Don’t miss this design contest, organized by ACerS’ PCSA! Competitors are given one shot glass, donated by SCHOTT, and 15 drinking straws used to build a protective device for their glass. Then, the glasses are dropped from varying levels until the breaking threshold is reached. The glass with the highest successful drop distance wins!

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