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Electronic edition


The December 2024 issue of ACerS Bulletin is now available online.

In this month’s issue, we look at techniques and tools for biomaterial application. The cover story by Tessa Gilmore and Pelagia-Irene Gouma provides a brief overview of the electrospinning process followed by a summary of work on electrospun bioceramics and biomaterials for health-related applications. A second feature article by Ryan Fordham, S. K. Sundaram, Shawn Allan, and Nicholas Voellm investigates the printability of ceria, a ceramic with several properties of interest to the medical industry.

In addition to the feature stories, the “Deciphering the Discipline” column by Jessica Sly discusses the dissolution dynamics of glasses for biomedical use. Meanwhile, the “Business and Market View” column overviews global markets for advanced wound management technologies.

Glass plays an important role in biomedical applications in addition to many others. More than a dozen luminary glass scientists signed a “Letter to the Editor” affirming The Age of Glass, while another feature story by Maziar Montazerian, John C. Mauro, and Andréa S.S. de Camargo reveals the hidden history of Nobel laureate Richard Adolf Zsigmondy, whose research in colloid chemistry inspired advancements in optical glasses.

Finally, with the ACerS Bulletin moving to a new digital home in January 2025, this Bulletin contains the last issue of Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing. The cover story focuses on transitioning research from laboratory to market and contains interviews with Richard Riman (Rutgers University), John Mauro (The Pennsylvania State University), and David Gottfried (Alfred University).

You’ll find a lot more interesting content inside this—and every issue—of the ACerS Bulletin. The current issue is free to all for a short time, but remember that all the valuable content in more than one hundred years of past issues of the ACerS Bulletin is free only to members—so considering joining us today!


Lisa McDonald

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