On May 10, 2022, ACerS members and other ceramists including students gathered at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. After opening remarks by the Section Chair, Jacob Jones, Brigid Mullany, a local professor and associate dean for research, presented on the recently established Center for Additive Manufacture of Advanced Ceramics (CAMAC) that was established by a $1.25M grant from The University of North Carolina System Research Opportunities Initiative (ROI) program.

The presentation was followed by a tour of CAMAC facilities and its newly established equipment as well as a tour of the Center for Precision Metrology .

After the tours, the Carolina Section conducted a business meeting and discussed and planned future events. Finally, approximately a dozen students presented their research during a poster session.

The attendees expressed positive thoughts about the ability to attend an in-person event. The Carolinas Section aims to host at least one in-person event annually and with several additional online events, providing both forms of connectivity for its members.


Vicki Evans

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