ACerS Northern Ohio Section treasurer Dennis Fox was the guest speaker at a joint dinner meeting of the local chapters of The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and the American Society for Metals (ASM) on October 27, 2017.  The first part of the presentation encompassed a history of the Research Center itself, dating back to 1941.  This was followed by a summary of GRC’s ground-breaking work in applying ceramic matrix composite materials to the hot sections of aerospace gas turbine engines.  This includes the in-house development of environmental barrier coatings critical to protecting silicon carbide-based materials from attack by the combustion products, specifically water vapor. Approximately 40 total members from both organizations were in attendance.

Section News  

The Section congratulates our Student Representative, newly-minted Dr. Devesh Dadhich Shreeram of the University of Akron, who will be pursuing his career in Idaho, and our Vice-President Valerie Wiesner of NASA Glenn, who will be gaining responsibilities at NASA Langley. We have a few good ceramists! We always look for more.

Top Employers

56% of Northern Ohio ACerS members work for 9 employers:

NASA Glenn
Momentive Materials
Case Western Reserve University
University of Akron
General Electric
Morgan Advanced Materials

Top Schools

More than 90% of student members are at 4 schools:

Case Western Reserve University
University of Akron
Youngstown State University
College of Wooster
