Sunday evening’s opening reception took place on a lawn with the Pacific Ocean in the background. Credit: ACerS.
I am here at the PACRIM–GOMD meeting at the stunning Hotel Del Coronado on Coronado Island just outside of San Diego, Calif., along with almost 1,000 ceramic engineers and scientists from 39 countries. Over the four-and-a-half days of the conference, more than 1,000 talks will be given and about 200 posters will be on display. Additionally, ACerS’ Glass and Optical Materials Division is holding its annual meeting and symposium concurrently with PACRIM. A stunning venue and ample opportunity to network in nearly perfect weather conditions are making for a meeting with a fast-running undercurrent of energy and excitement. It’s infectious, and I’m going to let the pictures tell the stories!
Also, we are delighted to have Ling Fei helping us report on the conference, thanks to support from Battelle Memorial Institute. Fei is a 4th year PhD candidate at New Mexico State University working in Hongmei Luo’s group. Welcome Ling!

HT Lin (right) organized the PACRIM 10 meeting. With him is Ling Fei, student blogger for the conference. Credit: ACerS.

The glass guys at the reception (from left): Francisco Serbena, Dick Brow, Bruce Aitken, and Edgar Zanotto. Credit: ACerS.

Ever wonder who Eileen is? Here you go. MS&T PhD graduate student Charmayne Smith (left) and Eileen. Credit: ACerS.

Monday opened with a plenary session, which was held in the hotel’s beautiful 19th century ballroom, complete with wood tongue-in-groove paneled ceiling and crown-themed lighting. Jeffrey Wadsworth from Battelle Memorial Institute is speaking. Credit: ACerS.

Kajal (right) and Rupal Varshneya, daughters of Arun and Darshana Varshneya, talk about the experiences that led their parents to fund the Darshana and Arun Varshneya Frontiers of Glass Science Award Lecture. Credit: ACerS.

Walter Kob delivers the inaugural lecture for the Darshana and Arun Varshneya Frontiers in Glass Science Award. Credit: ACerS.

Speed mentoring—The Ceramic Education Council organized a “Career Roundtable” to provide students the opportunity to discuss career issues with working professionals in ceramics. Career professionals from academia, national labs, and industry shared their experiences with 55 students. Creidt: AcerS.

GOMD’s reception for young professionals was held outside. The event coincided with “rush hour” for the Navy fighter jets returning to a nearby base. Credit: ACerS.
Eileen De Guire
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