Are you attending the GOMD 2016 meeting in Madison, Wis., USA? Don’t miss these student activities:

  • Kreidl Award Lecture: Attend the Norbert J. Kreidl Award for Young Scholars Lecture on Tuesday, May 24, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.  Lan Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is this year’s Kreidl Award winner, and she will present “Materials and devices for mechanically flexible integrated photonics.” See the award speakers page for the complete abstract. Lunch will be available at no cost on a first come, first served basis to attendees of the Kreidl Award Lecture.  Support your fellow student by planning to attend this special lecture!
  • Lunch and Talk, “Practical Tips for Getting Your Research Published,” brought to you by Saint-Gobain:  All student and young professional attendees are invited to this lunch and talk on Wednesday, May 25, 12 – 1:15 p.m.  Professor Mario Affatigato will cover advice for students on the wild world of scientific publishing. More specifically, we will discuss the kind of content that is considered suitable for publication; the desire for cutting-edge work; reviews and topical issues; the vexing problem of plagiarism, both naive and intentional; technical issues with manuscripts, like image resolution and English language editing; getting involved as a journal reviewer; writing clarity and the expected audience; and, finally, some of the ethical principle behind research publishing. We will also include a brief mention of the current environment in the scientific journal world, with a small emphasis on trends like Open Access publishing and discussions on impact. Students should expect a friendly, pedagogical presentation with much time for questions.  Professor Affatigato is the Co-editor of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science. He holds the Fran Allison and Francis Halpin Professorship in Physics at Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA.  He is a Fellow of The American Ceramic Society and the UK Society of Glass Technology, and in 2015, he became a Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar.  Lunch will be provided on a first come, first served basis.


  • Student, Post-doc, and Young Professional Career Discussion Roundtables:  Students, post-docs, and young professionals are invited to an informal group discussion with 9 panelists representing industry, government, and academia, on Wednesday, May 25, 5:45 – 6:45 p.m. This is an opportunity to ask questions of professionals in a casual environment on a number of diverse topics (work-life balance, career opportunities, etc.). The career professionals will rotate every 15 minutes, so attendees will get a chance to have candid discussions with several professionals during this session. Light refreshments will be served.


Eileen De Guire

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