The European Ceramic Society-American Ceramic Society Joint Award recognizes individuals who foster international cooperation between The American Ceramic Society and The European Ceramic Society, in demonstration of both organizations’ commitment to work together to better serve the international ceramics community.

The award shall be presented in alternate years at the ACerS Annual Meeting event (held in conjunction with Materials Science & Technology Conference in North America) in even years and the European Ceramic Society Biennial Meeting in odd years.  The award shall consist of an honorarium of $1500, registration for the event for one person, a certificate(s) and a piece of ceramic or glass artwork from the host society.

This first award year, the nomination deadline is April 30, 2020; in subsequent years it will be January 15 annually.

For more information and to complete the nomination form, please visit: The European Ceramic Society-American Society Joint Award page.


Erica Zimmerman