Angelo Cristante header

ACerS is pleased to announce Angelo Cristante has been selected for Volunteer Spotlight, a program that recognizes a member who demonstrates outstanding service to The American Ceramic Society through volunteerism.

Cristante is a research engineer at Reno Refractories, Inc. He holds a B.S. in materials engineering from the Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI) – Campus Itabira and an M.S. in materials engineering from the School of Engineering of Lorena – University of Sao Paulo. Cristante also has experience in industry–academic collaborative projects both in Brazil and in the United States.

Cristante joined ACerS in 2020 and has since volunteered for the Book Publishing Subcommittee, Young Professionals Network Steering Committee, and Webinar Subcommittee, as well as the Young Professionals Industry Task Force. He also serves as chair of the Subcommittee on Monolithics of the ASTM Committee on Refractories (C08) and as young professional chair of the Refractories Systems Technology Committee of the Association for Iron & Steel Technology.

We extend our deep appreciation to Cristante for his service to our Society!
