ACerS is pleased to announce Ashley Hilmas has been selected for Volunteer Spotlight, a program that recognizes a member who demonstrates outstanding service to The American Ceramic Society through volunteerism.
Hilmas is materials research engineer in the Composites Performance Branch at the Air Force Research Lab in Dayton, Ohio. She received her bachelor’s degree in ceramic engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2015 and her master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in May 2020.
Hilmas has been involved with ACerS for the last 10 years. While at Missouri S&T, she served as treasurer and president of the local Material Advantage chapter. As a graduate student, she served as finance chair and chair of the ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors.
She is currently a co-chair of the ACerS Education and Professional Development Council, which focuses on the advancement of education and professional development opportunities in the society. She is also secretary of the Dayton/Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Section of ACerS.
We extend our deep appreciation to Hilmas for her service to our Society!
Karen McCurdy
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