Kristin Breder 400 px

ACerS is pleased to announce that Kristin Breder has been selected for Volunteer Spotlight, a program through which we recognize a member who demonstrates outstanding service to The American Ceramic Society through volunteerism.

Breder is a senior principal scientist and group leader at Saint-Gobain Research North America. She has been with Saint-Gobain for 20 years. Her work includes mechanical characterization and failure analysis of ceramics, abrasives, and polymers as well as fundamental studies on abrasives, abrasive grains, and their relationship to grinding process.

Breder holds four patents related to abrasives and has contributed two book chapters on ceramics testing. She has 32 publications on ceramics and materials in peer-reviewed journals, 47 publications in conference proceedings, and has authored three ASTM standards on ceramics.

Breder has been a member (and then the chair) of the Membership Services Committee of The American Ceramic Society since 2014. She has been a member of the awards selection committees for the John Jeppson and the Du-Co Young Professional awards. She is also a current member of the ACerS Strategic Planning Committee. From 2004 to 2006, she was an associate editor of the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (IJACT). She continues to be a reviewer for IJACT and Journal of the American Ceramic Society.

We extend our deep appreciation to Breder for her service to our Society!
