The Roland B. Snow award is presented to the Best of Show winner of the Ceramographic Exhibit & Competition, an annual poster exhibit to promote the use of microscopy and microanalysis as tools in the scientific investigation of ceramic materials.
The competition is held during the ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T and entries are prominently displayed in the Convention Center. From the submitted poster submissions (see Rules of Entry below) a committee of ACerS scientists will select first, second, and third place winners for each category with a certificate and a monetary award of $75, $50 and $25, respectively.
The Best of Show winner will be announced at the Sosman Lecture and at the Basic Science Division Business Meeting. The poster awarded Best of Show will receive the Roland B. Snow Award, which includes a $1,500 monetary award, certificate, and commemorative glass piece. Note that the Roland B. Snow winner does not get the monetary category award mentioned above, just the $1,500 award.
Winning entries may appear on the back covers of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society throughout the year.
Participants are encouraged to submit entries in one or more of the following categories:
- Optical Microscopy (including confocal)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Transmission and/or Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Undergraduate Student Contributions
- 2024 Ceramographic Winners
- 2023 Ceramographic Winners
- 2022 Ceramographic Winners
- 2021 Ceramographic Winners
- 2020 Ceramographic Winners
- 2019 Ceramographic Winners
- 2018 Ceramographic Winners
- 2017 Ceramographic Winners
- 2016 Ceramographic Winners
- 2015 Ceramographic Winners
- 2014 Ceramographic Winners
- 2013 Ceramographic Winners
- 2012 Ceramographic Winners
- 2011 Ceramographic Winners
Nomination Process
Rules of Entry:
1. Previous entries are not accepted.
2. Only 2 entries per category per person.
3. Poster should have the dimensions 41 cm by 51 cm with NO MORE than four images/graphs.
4. Descriptive text should be limited to 75 words or less.
5. Entries shall be clearly labeled on the front face with the following information:
- Category (lower right-hand corner)
- Concise title (across top of poster)
- Names and affiliations of contributors below title.
6. Undergraduate student entrants must be enrolled in ceramic courses at the time posters are produced.
7. If fewer than four entries are received per classification, they will be combined with another classification.
8. Sign and submit the Permission to Use Form. The American Ceramic Society arranges to have some of the winning Ceramographic posters published on the back cover of the Journal each year. All entrants must complete the form and submit it along with an electronic copy of the poster and a professional portrait photo of the leader author to Klaus van Benthem. Receipt of the form and electronic poster allows ACerS to send posters to Wiley for possible publication in the Journal.
9. Entry Deadline: If you would like BSD to print your poster entry, please email your digital poster (in pdf format following guidelines above to Klaus van Benthem by September 5, 2025. If you wish to bring your poster to MS&T instead, you must bring it to the Concourse display area at the convention center no later than 5:00 p.m., Sunday, October 6, 2024, since the posters will be judged starting at this time. The boards will be installed Sunday morning, October 6, and you may set up your poster between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Dr. Klaus van Benthem
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
1 Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616-5270
Award Winners

Alexander Frisch
Best in Show winner
Title: “A Conversation across 2,000 Years”
Alexander Frisch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2024 Optical Microscopy Awardees
2024 Scanning Electron Microscopy Awardees
2024 Transmission Electron Microscopy Awardees
Nomination Deadline