2024 GEMS Finalists
2024 Diamond Awardees
Arumala Lere-Adams
Srinivasa Kartik Nemani
Christian Stern
Robert Daniel Moore
2024 Sapphire Awardees
Elham Loni
Nithin Chandran BS
Lilly Balderson
Milos Dujovic
Petra Simonova
Jun Young Hong
The Basic Science Division organizes the annual Graduate Excellence in Materials Science (GEMS) awards to recognize the outstanding achievements of graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering. The award is open to all graduate students who are making an oral presentation in any symposium or session at the Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) meeting.
Nomination Process
The criteria for the selection of the award winners are:
a. The scientific and academic accomplishment of the student
b. The quality of the research presented at the meeting
c. The quality of the oral presentation
The award will be administered as follows:
- Students must specifically apply to be considered for the award. All full-time registered graduate students are eligible. Membership in Material Advantage is not required.
- The application will consist of the abstract for oral presentation at MS&T24 (addressing Criterion b) and a three-page summary of the academic and research accomplishments of the student.
- The selection committee will identify up to ten students as the finalists for this award. They will be announced prior to MS&T.
- When the students make their presentation in their respective symposia at their allotted time, representative members of the Award Selection committee will be present and will evaluate the quality of the presentation (Criterion c). The finalists will be divided into groups: Up to three papers will be selected to receive the Diamond award and the others the Sapphire award.
- The Division will award each finalist a cash honorarium of $100. In addition, they will receive a certificate from The American Ceramic Society.
Students must state the symposium to which the abstract has been submitted and upload their abstracts for their oral presentation at MS&T24 and a three-page summary of their academic and research accomplishments (pdf format) below.
Basic Science Division: GEMS Award Submission
Amanda Krause
Vicki Evans
Nomination Deadline