How to Nominate

Nominations are encouraged for deserving candidates from groups that have been underrepresented in ACerS awards relative to their participation in the society, including women, underrepresented minorities, industry scientists and engineers, and international members. By honoring its members, ACerS has contributed to over 100 years of advancing the ceramics and glass industry.*

*In computing length of continuous SOCIETY membership for the purpose of determining award eligibility and special memberships, gaps of <12 months will be ignored.

You may start, save, complete, and submit your nominations accessing the ACerS award portal below.

See a list of the 2024 Awardees

Society Awards

Corporate Environmental Achievement Award

The Corporate Environmental Achievement Award (CEAA) was established to recognize and honor a single outstanding environmental achievement made by an...

Corporate Technical Achievement Award

This award recognizes a single outstanding technical achievement made by an ACerS Corporate Partner in the field of ceramics. The...

Darshana and Arun Varshneya Frontiers of Glass Lectures

The Frontiers of Glass Science and the Frontiers of Glass Technology lectures are designed to encourage scientific and technical dialogue...

David W. Richerson Educational Outreach Award

The David W. Richerson Educational Outreach Award was established through a gift from David W. Richerson, Richerson & Associates. David Richerson...

Distinguished Life Membership

The Distinguished Life Member grade of Society membership is the Society’s most prestigious level of membership and is awarded in...

Du-Co Ceramics Young Professional Award

This $1,500 award, established by the late Reldon Cooper, co-founder of Du-Co Ceramics, is awarded to a young professional member...

Division Awards

Cements: S. Brunauer Award

Annually awarded for the best cements paper published by ACerS during the previous year. The Brunauer Award is awarded annually...

Electronics: Edward C. Henry Award

The Edward C. Henry Award is given annually to an outstanding paper reporting original work in the Journal of the American...

Electronics: Lewis C. Hoffman Scholarship

The Electronics Division invites applications for the Lewis C. Hoffman Scholarship. The purpose of the $2000 tuition award is to...

Electronics: Student Presentation Awards

Each year at the Conference on Electronic Materials and Applications (EMA) meeting, the Electronics Division presents best student presentation awards in...

Energy Materials and Systems: D.T. Rankin Award

This award recognizes a member of the Energy Materials and Systems Division who has demonstrated exemplary service to the division....

Energy Materials and Systems: Outstanding Student Researcher Award

The Outstanding Student Researcher (OSR) Award recognizes exemplary student research related to the mission of the Energy Materials and Systems...

ACerS/Education & Professional Development
Council (EPDC) Awards

ACerS/EPDC: Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture

This ACerS/Education and Professional Development Council (EPDC) lecture honors the memory of Arthur L. Friedberg for his teaching, research and...

ACerS/EPDC: Greaves-Walker Lifetime Service Award

The Greaves-Walker Lifetime Service Award honors a founding member and the first president of the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers...

Education and Professional Development Council: Outstanding Educator Award

This award recognizes truly outstanding work and creativity in teaching and mentoring, in directing student research, or in the general...