
Video: Mobile block-laying machine offers new approach to streamlined construction

By Lisa McDonald / July 24, 2024

3D printing has made a name for itself as a way to speed up building construction, but it is not the only way to accomplish this goal. Australia-based robotics company FBR completed factory acceptance testing of its mobile block-laying machine Hadrian X earlier this year, and the machine recently arrived in the United States for site acceptance testing.

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Structural clay experts convene in Oklahoma City for networking and plant tours

By Greg Geiger / July 2, 2024

The 2024 combined meeting of the ACerS Structural Clay Products Division, ACerS Southwest Section, and Clemson University’s National Brick Research Center took place in Oklahoma City, Okla., June 17–19. Nearly 120 attendees came to enjoy the networking, technical presentations, and plant tours.

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3D printing of homes expands across the globe

By Guest Contributor / June 11, 2024

Numerous advancements in 3D-printed housing have made headlines in the past few years. This CTT highlights some recent notable achievements.

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Video: ‘Ceramic textile’ offers fast way to cool buildings

By Guest Contributor / May 1, 2024

Reducing the amount of solar radiation absorbed by a structure is one way to improve a building’s energy efficiency. A novel ceramic façade called Flexbrick offers a fast way to reduce warming.

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Video: 2023 Brick in Architecture Awards showcase the best of brick design

By Lisa McDonald / March 13, 2024

Since 1989, the Brick Industry Association has sponsored the Brick in Architecture Awards to recognize exceptional uses of clay brick in architecture. The 44 global winners for the 2023 awards include entries spanning the United States, Canada, China, and Mexico, plus the first-ever winner in Russia.

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Luminescent material offers real-time analysis of concrete deterioration

By Lisa McDonald / January 30, 2024

Determining the degree of carbonation in a concrete structure allows for timely maintenance to avoid catastrophic failure. Researchers led by the University of São Paulo’s Physics Institute developed a luminescent material that can indicate the degree of carbonation in concrete structures in a nondestructive manner.

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Building with nature: Fungi show promise as green construction material

By Guest Contributor / September 26, 2023

More and more companies and organizations are considering the potential of mycelium, the root-like structure of most fungi, as a green construction material. Today’s CTT spotlights several recent innovations in this area.

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Training the next generation of builders—first large-scale construction 3D printer in the Buckeye State arrives at OSU

By Guest Contributor / August 25, 2023

Further expanding the use of 3D printing in construction will require training the next generation of builders on these techniques. A new research partnership between The Ohio State University and 3D-printing construction company Pantheon Innovative Builders will help provide this training through use of COBOD International’s construction-grade BOD2 printer.

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Embodied carbon of concrete in buildings: Large-scale study calls for more consistency and accuracy in reporting of carbon impacts

By Lisa McDonald / July 14, 2023

Players in the cement and concrete sectors are working diligently to achieve a reduction in emissions. However, there are multiple gaps in knowledge about the extent of these emissions, which makes it difficult to determine how effective new initiatives are at reducing emissions. A group of researchers from several universities in the United Kingdom are conducting a large-scale study to help fill this knowledge gap.

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The science of Elemental—tempered glass and causes of failure

By Lisa McDonald / July 7, 2023

In the new movie Elemental, the fire character Ember uses tempered glass to patch a hole in the canal wall. But could glass be used in real life to hold back flood water? Today’s CTT considers this question and what could cause tempered glass to fail.

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