There are devices for measuring the stress-related hormone cortisol, but the devices’ short shelf life means that samples collected at home must be mailed to a lab for analysis. Researchers in China and the U.K. developed a stable cortisol detector, which hints at a possible future where sample collection and analysis can all be done at home.
Read MoreThere is ample evidence that nanoparticles can affect the healthy growth of a fetus, but the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. An interdisciplinary team led by Empa researchers showed that nanoparticles can cause indirect harm by disrupting the production of messenger substances in the placenta, leading to impaired blood vessel formation.
Read MoreOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a newer intravascular imaging technique that researchers have struggled to adapt for use inside the brain. Now, researchers in the U.S. and Canada reported on the development and testing of a modified OCT approach that can be used inside the brain.
Read MoreAs nanomaterials become more commonly used in industry, their potential impacts on human health need to be properly assessed. Researchers led by the Universities of Edinburgh and Manchester in the United Kingdom conducted the first-in-human clinical trial on inhaled graphene oxide nanosheets.
Read MoreThe inherent brittleness of bioceramics makes them difficult to shape using traditional subtractive manufacturing methods. Electrospinning has emerged as an alternative to additive manufacturing to produce nanoscale, composite bioceramic parts.
Read MoreTo date, efforts to develop retinal prostheses have achieved limited success. But the turn toward flexible rather than rigid platforms for these devices is leading to significant advances in the research community.
Read MoreThough modern root canal treatments are not overly painful thanks to advancements in medical technology, the need to frequently clean the rotary file can lengthen procedure time. Researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS created a file that features both rotational and vibrational motion, which reduces the amount of cleaning required.
Read MoreIn vitro studies have demonstrated the potential of graphene oxide to help treat Alzheimer’s disease by preventing the buildup of harmful amyloid-β aggregates. Researchers in Sweden and Denmark used yeast as a model system to explore graphene oxide’s potential in vivo.
Read MoreBreath analyzers are handheld, rapid testing devices that could transform how the medical community diagnoses diseases and disorders. A new program housed under the U.S. Department of Defense aims to accelerate development of breath analyzers for rapid diagnosis of respiratory illnesses among warfighters. The program has so far provided funding to three different organizations, including ACerS Fellow Perena Gouma’s research group at The Ohio State University.
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