It isn’t often that we have three major events going on in the same short stretch of time, and ACerS will be represented at all of them.

ACerS Glass & Optical Materials Division’s Annual Meeting is becoming a premier glass science meeting in the world and it just got underway in St. Louis, Mo. and runs through May 24. A welcome reception was held Sunday night, and the lectures and symposium began this morning. Our Eileen De Guire is at the meeting and will probably be reporting later on.

The other two meetings are in Europe, specifically Germany. On Tuesday (May 22), the Ceramitec 2012 gets underway in Munich and since 1979 it has been one of the world’s leading trade show for the ceramic industry. The 2009 version of the Ceramitec attracted 656 exhibitors from 35 countries and approximately 15,000 visitors from 84 countries. The event runs through May 25. ACerS has a booth at the show and will also be represented by Society president, George Wicks, and executive director, Charlie Spahr.

Spahr and Wicks will also be attending the 10th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE) in Dresden. Organizers of CMCEE and Ceramitec 2012 have coordinated their efforts and are offering a combined program in Dresden and Munich with organized transfers between the two cities.

CMCEE is organized by three prominent ACerS members. Alexander Michaelis, director of Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, is serving as the event chair. Mrityunjay Singh, chief scientist at the Ohio Aerospace Institute, and Tatsuki Ohji, prime senior research scientist at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, are CMCEE’s cochairs.

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  • Basic Science
  • Energy
  • Glass