They say, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” The just-published 2012-13 ceramicSOURCE buyer’s guide gives you access to more than 700 vendors worldwide that serve the ceramics industry. No matter what you need—from industrial equipment, to testing instruments, to raw materials, to consultants—the ceramicSOURCE will point you in the direction of people who know what you need to get your work done.

If you do not receive the Bulletin, you can access the online ceramicSOURCE at anytime from anywhere—for free.

By the way, the Bulletin is the best resource available for following news and technology trends for engineered ceramics and glasses. The Bulletin is published nine times per year as a benefit to the members of The American Ceramic Society. Become a member to start receiving your own copy of the Bulletin and to take advantage of the other benefits to becoming a member of The American Ceramic Society.


Eileen De Guire

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  • Glass
  • Manufacturing