2008-2009 Fellow Ticora V. Jones talks with ACerS Past President David Pye

2008-2009 Fellow Ticora Jones talks with ACerS Past President David Pye

There is a tremendous opportunity for a one-year fellowship for a materials scientist, engineer or researcher with an interest in federal public policy. The Materials Societies Congressional Science and Engineering Fellowship offers a one-year appointment beginning Sept. 1, 2009 in which the selected individual serves as a special legislative assistant on the staff of a member of Congress or congressional committee to assist with legislative or oversight work, help with relevant hearings, prepare briefs and provide other guidance. The fellowship is sponsored by The American Ceramic Society, the Materials Research Society and The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. A $58,000 stipend is provided, plus funds for health insurance, travel and relocation expenses to the Washington, D.C. area. The name of the person selected for the fellowship will be made in early 2009. The fellowship is also an excellent learning experience in regard to development of science-related public policies and governmental procedures. Time is of the essence, however, for anyone interested in this fellowship as applications are due Jan. 9, 2009 The Fine Print: A prospective Fellow must demonstrate a record of success in research or scholarship in a field relevant to materials science and technology. The prospect must also demonstrate sensitivity toward policy issues and have a strong interest in applying scientific and technical knowledge to United States public policy issues. The candidate must be able to work quickly and communicate effectively on a wide variety of topics, and be able to work cooperatively with individuals having diverse viewpoints. An applicant is expected to be a member of ACerS, MRS or TMS (or an applicant for membership) and have a master’s degree or doctorate with at least three years of professional experience. To Apply:

  1. Submit a detailed CV including information about educational background, professional employment and activities, professional publications and presentations, public policy and legislative experience, and committee and advisory group appointments.
  2. Submit a statement of approximately 1,000 words addressing the applicants interest in the fellowship, career goals, contributions the applicant believes he or she can make as a Fellow to the legislative process, and what the applicant wants to learn from the experience.
  3. Three letters of reference, specifically addressing the applicant’s ability to work on Capitol Hill as a special legislative assistant.
  4. Application materials should be sent to Materials Societies Congressional Fellow Program, c/o Nancy Lesko (TMS), 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086.

Please note that information about the Fellowship and application procedures is also available on page 143 of the December 2009 issue of the Bulletin of The American Ceramic Society.

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