Pay attention to this:

Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 18, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu will deliver the opening keynote address at the 2009 DOE-NARUC National Electricity Forum. In the address, Secretary Chu will outline the Administration’s commitment to modernizing the nation’s electricity distribution system through a “Smart Grid” that will create new jobs, save consumers money, use energy more efficiently and avoid blackouts, and pave the way for a dramatic expansion in renewable energies such as solar and wind power. He will also discuss the immediate and long-term impacts of the President’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in creating jobs and investing in a clean energy future.

Update: C-Span is preparing to air Chu’s presentation. Update II: C-Span now has full video available here. One takeaway: Chu seems committed to cutting the bureaucracy and getting the funding and loans moving. He says applications that now require 500-1000 pages are getting cut to 50 pages.

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