Hey – it’s Video of the Week Day (Wednesday) and Earth Day. What a great excuse for a video festival. The easy thing would have been to go for videos that show the role in ceramics and glass in solar power, solar thermal, fuel cells, piezoelectrics, fusion, ultracapacitors and so on, but I’ve decided to highlight lesser known applications and efforts. Enjoy!

This Thai video demonstrates a mature, low-tech, low-cost water filter system. The filters usually incorporate colloidal silver, either in the clay or painted on, to provide 99.9% filtration and have been in use in Asia, Africa and South America. There is some cultural resistance to these filters because the water tastes “different” than unfiltered water.

FYI – a “bullnose” is the term for the curved edge given to some ceramic tiles used at finished edges. LIFE+ is the European Union’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects.

Ceramic insulation paint!

This video describes efforts in Brazil to cut emissions and use an alternative energy source (rice husks) to power kilns used to fire brick and other ceramic building materials.

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