[Images above] Credit: NIST


Researchers harness 2D magnetic materials for energy-efficient computing

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers precisely controlled an ultrathin magnet at room temperature using pulses of electrical current to switch the direction of the device’s magnetization.

Chirality in nearly 2D

Rice University researchers published an overview on chirality in 2D materials. Their overview proposes a possible definition and description of 2D chiral materials, provides a review of recent experimental progress to make such materials, and concludes by outlining promising avenues for studying new physics in unexplored low-dimensional chiral systems.


Unveiling lead-free antimony-based perovskite solar modules

Researchers at Tor Vergata University of Rome developed a mixed-cation perovskite-inspired material that boosted efficiency by 81% compared to conventional cesium-only antimony solar cells, while also exhibiting unmatched stability.

New world record for CIGS solar cells

Researchers at Uppsala University and First Solar European Technology Center achieved a 23.64% efficiency for electrical energy generation from copper indium gallium diselenide solar cells. The previous world record was 23.35%, set by Solar Frontier in Japan.


New nontoxic method for producing high-quality graphene oxide

Researchers from Umeå University in Sweden found a new way to synthesize graphene oxide, which has significantly fewer defects compared to materials produced by the most common method. Similarly good graphene oxide could be synthesized previously only by using a rather dangerous method involving extremely toxic fuming nitric acid.

Environmental and health impacts of graphene and other 2D materials

An international group of researchers published an expansive overview on the safety of graphene and other 2D materials with respect to human health and the environment.

A new vibrant blue pottery pigment with less cobalt

Researchers discovered a new blue pigment that uses less cobalt but still maintains a brilliant shine. They based their new pigment off a barium feldspar mineral. The pigment was stable at temperatures up to 3,200°F and only experienced slight color changes when exposed to either acidic or alkaline solutions.


Lisa McDonald

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