Here are a few pictures from last week’s Electronic Materials and Applications conference in Orlando, Fla. I reported on the Thursday and Friday plenary talks and EMA’s popular “failure symposium” in this CTT blog post. This week, I switched gears and am at the 38th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites and will have photos and reports on that conference this week.

EMA banq award

Brian Donovan from University of Virginia receives an award from Brady Gibbons for his presentation in the undergraduate student research symposium. Credit: ACerS.

EMA banq Joel

Joel Moskowitz introduces the goals of the new Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation. Credit: ACerS.

EMA scenes

Keeping in touch online and in person. University of Florida undergraduate Clayton Cozzan checks his email, while Adam Scotch (Osram-Sylvaina) and Bryan Huey (University of Connecticut) catch up. Credit: ACerS.

EMA stu spk Guo

Iowa State University undergraduate H. Guo presents his work on lead-free niobate piezoelectric materials. Credit: ACerS.

EMA YP recep

ACerS president David Green (left) visited the Young Professionals reception on Thursday night. Also pictured from left are Ed Gorzkowski, David Cann, and Alp Sehirlioglu. Credit: ACerS.


Eileen De Guire

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  • Electronics