- Titania photoanodes return from the dead. Here, too.
- Clarkson groups awarded for “Electrochemical Supercapacitors Based on Polymerizable Ionic Liquids.”
- Absorbance modulation etches lines one-tenth the width of the light wavelength used to create them.
- AFM maker Asylum Research celebrates 10-year anniversary.
- Power industry might see ‘bust-to-boom’ upturn.
- Highly magnetic nanoparticles being tapped to reprocess nuclear fuel.
- Mapping every atom in a single nanowire using Imago’s LEAP AFM.
- U.K. institute to hold conference on nanotechnology and regenerative medicine.
- ‘Size Matters 2009: The ethical challenges facing nanotechnology” conference, June 17-18
- NIST awards Electric Power Research Institute contract for interim smart grid standards.
. . . and, what would happen if you crossed GM with Segway. If, of course, your obvious answer, “a rusty toy for dweebs,” you’d be wrong! The correct answer is, “a cool-looking PUMA:”
. . . adding, not everyone agrees.
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- Material Innovations